Question: What is the most interesting creature you have found living in the atwer?

Keywords: ,

  1. Well in work I’m working on bacteria and tiny microscopic animals and plants. I find bacteria really really interesting but I don’t think that’s what you mean! So I will tell you the best weirdest creatures I have found living in water whilst scuba diving…. It is probably either Christmas tree worms or Nudibranches. They are just so colourful and strange looking! Like something from outer space! Google them to look at images of them and you will know what I mean. 🙂



  1. Nudibranches look really cool :^)


  2. I know!! they’re so colourful and pretty! Whats your favourite underwater animal?


  3. I love seals!!!


  4. Seals are really cute! they remind me of dogs a bit. I went to see wild seals on Kangaroo Island last month and there were baby ones and male juvenile seals practicing their fighting skills for when they are grown up. It was cool.
