Question: is the earths pollution bad atm?

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  1. I think some countries are better at controlling and monitoring their pollution then others. It was only a few months ago that the smog (smoke and fog) in Beijing was so bad that people were told to stay inside. We are pretty lucky in Australia, we have low population compared to other countries, this means fewer cars, less rubbish…

    I think it is bad, any level of pollution is bad.


  2. Shona is right. We are fairly lucky in Australia because we have pretty low levels of pollution compared to some other countries. It is important to realise that there are different types of pollution that can affect our planet in different ways.

    If you produce litter on the land here in Australia, it could affect our land plants and animals, but if it was to travel into the ocean, it could affect oceans far away – like the Great Pacific Garbage Patch –

    Air pollution from cars and factories can become pretty bad in a localised area (like Beijing), but unfortunately it can affect the whole planet in terms of climate change. Every country needs to work together to reduce greenhouse gases so that we can manage climate change. It won’t just affect a single country as we all call Earth our home.

    I think as long as our global society is working towards reducing all types of pollution, we are taking a step in the right direction.


  3. It is pretty bad. …But on the bright side I think its getting better!

    People are more aware nowadays than they were say fifty years ago. In the 1800’s the Thames river in London was basically a big sewage sludge! Apparently you could smell it miles and miles away and people would literally die if they fell into it because it was that dirty!!! Nowadays it is much cleaner! It doesn’t smell any more and although there is a lot of oil and heavy metal pollution in there I doubt you would die if you fell in it. So things are looking up!

    Hopefully we carry on trying to ‘clean up our mess!’ and make the planet less polluted for the next generation. Theres still a long way to go though. I think the big things we need to tackle pollution-wise are plastics and litter (land fills) by recycling more, carbon emissions into the atmosphere and run-off of chemicals into rivers from farms, industry and cities.

