Question: how do you work out what the molecules mean? for example Sulphur Oxide

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  1. I have never had a conversation with molecule, so I am afraid I cannot answer your question. Are they difficult to understand?


  2. Do you mean the symbols? Like how do you know that S0 is sulphur monoxide (one sulphur and one oxygen) and SO2 is sulphur dioxide (one sulphur, 2 oxygen). The best way is to get used to the periodic table and learn what some of the chemical symbols are. Then the numbers tell you how many of them.
    Sulphur is easy (S) and Hydrogen (H) but Lead is Pb (which stands for Plumbum which is the latin name and much more interesting).

    I was always really bad at remembering stuff like that though, so I don’t have any tricks


  3. My advice is study the periodic table to learn the element symbols (e.g. N is for Nitrogen), read a chemistry textbook and work hard in chemistry class and you will learn what they all mean eventually. It will take time, you wont know them all after just one class! but you will get there after a while if you work hard enough.


  4. Hi Unicorn123,

    All the words in science can be brocken down to help you understand the molucule or animal even. So Sulphur Oxide, means that the molucule has a sulphur atom and an oxygen atom but it doesn’t tell you how many of each molucule there are. So this is refering to all types of molucule made up of just sulphur and oxygen atoms.

    If you said sulphur monoxide this means one sulphur atom and one (mon) oxygen atom
    sulphur dioxide = one sulphur atoms & two (di) oxygen atoms
    sulphur trioxide = one sulphur atoms & three (tri) oxygen atoms

    You can also have Disulphur monoxide = (Di) two sulphur atoms and (mon) one oxygen atom

    How many atoms would trisulphur dioxide have? It takes a long time to learn all these code words, i only remember the basics.

    Just for fun can you tell me what this molucule is dihydrogen monoxide?, we use it everyday!! Dont Google it!!


  5. I love this online teaching that Shona is doing. I am re-learning things I had forgotten!

